In Pete's Opinion


In my experience, most search firms tend to leave the cost/value discussion until last... 

Instead the conversations are filled with past experiences, industry specialties, and confidence fillers.  However, from my view, there are very few purchasing decisions in life or business where the cost/value proposition is not an upfront consideration. I like to have that discussion first! To me, the Redmond value is not because they are the cheapest, but instead their ability to allow me to buy what I need, and keep/own what I don't need.  

The formula is simple, any professional responsible for bringing the best and the brightest into an organization must look at their end to end search process as a business. There are things you should build yourself, there are core competencies you should own, and there are things you should buy. Each of these considerations have a very distinct cost/value tradeoffs, and as a CEO of search, you need to think in these terms.    
The Redmond Research product supercharges the front end of your talent pipeline, lets you buy the focus of Retained Search for a fraction cost, while letting your own team drive as many as the pieces of the overall search process that they are capable of handling.
Redmond provides a very efficient, high ROI, scalable suite of tools that can easily plug in to your existing team.