A New Way of Recruiting for the New Way of Doing Business

Talent search for the connected age starts with a strategic overview of your company, the industry and your competitors, enabling us to build a plan that draws talent from a variety of industries and disciplines. The result is a strategic recruiting process that yields better talent and faster searches through in-depth analysis.

Redmond delivers results

We successfully place candidates in 80% of the positions we’re hired to fill. More often than not, the selected candidate is found in the first 30 days of the search. Our candidates are up to 99% culture matches and have a high rate of promotion during the first 12 - 18 months of employment. The result? Higher long-term retention rates for your organization.

These results are no accident; they’re the product of a strategic search process developed to answer the recruiting needs of today’s businesses. The cornerstones of our methodology are our KISS philosophy and our KASH process.

  • KISS: Keep Innovation at the Start of Search: Our system for quickly identifying the most qualified (the strongest) candidates begins by putting significant resources into the upfront tasks of candidate sourcing and position profiling. Performing this critical upfront work ensures that the search process unfolds quickly, smoothly and successfully.
  • KASH: Knowledge, Attributes, Skills and Habits: Our matrix for evaluating candidates, the KASH system goes beyond mere work experience to probe into the most relevant aspects of a candidate’s potential. We specifically define and rate each dimension in order to quantify those qualities that remain amorphous in traditional talent search.

Recruiting mindsets not skill sets

Our strategies for identifying and attracting extraordinary talent come from 25 years of experience in reaching out to and speaking with hundreds of thousands of passive candidates across industries and the globe. We’ve learned that the best metric for potential success is a candidate’s mindset, not necessarily their skill set. The key candidate mindsets we look for are typically innovation, execution and technician, resulting in particular success recruiting in the Marketing, Product Innovation, Information Security, Corporate Development and Strategic Supply Chain Management fields.

As the Internet continues to connect individuals in new and different ways, we understand that your next great hire may never even have worked in your industry. But that’s OK – our rigorous process is founded on actionable intelligence and empowered by real-time market data analytics, showing us a candidate’s future potential rather than past experience. In addition, we take transparency very seriously – meaning you’ll be included on every phase of the search in a highly collaborative and open process. With Redmond, what you see really is what you get.

Redefining search success

Superior talent should revolutionize your organization, which is why Redmond’s key success metrics are the innovative ideas and transformational impact your new hires have on your company.

Contact Redmond to get started.