
Over the past 18 years, I have had the good fortune to be of service to many highly competent search professionals and executive leaders whom I consider to be colleagues, and in many cases, friends. It has been an honor to be of service to each one of you. Each one of your projects have given rise to new levels of search understanding that I have applied to solving increasingly more complex recruiting issues. It’s through this journey that many of you began to ask me how Redmond was able to consistently perform at high levels with the hope that you could utilize our gained knowledge to your benefit. I have been consistently challenged in my response, as I do not believe the question [equation] of “how” is as important as “what” — the “core thinking” that is applied to each project.

It’s from this perspective that I am introducing this blog with the goal of creating a sharing community with professionals of like mind. My vision for the blog is to impart those ideas “core concepts” that have not only allowed us to survive this industry [those of you who have been around for awhile understand what I mean here], but have allowed us to thrive in the chaos. Search is a tough business where we are measured by the last hire we place. If we are lucky, we get to enjoy our latest success for 5 minutes, until someone asks “what have you done for me lately?” This challenging cycle is one of the main factors contributing to the high burn out rate of our industry, which brings me back to the focus of the blog.

Through the years I have found a rhythm/rhyme to this business. This rhythm is found in a dedication to reconceptualizing and evolving what search practice is and what search practice is not on a consistent basis. This idea is the backbone of a “thinking” business model that has been applied over and over to every challenge coming our way. My hope is that the ideas I am presenting will create discussion among everyone of you [inside and/or outside the blog], with the goal of evolving existing thought that can positively impact the clients [hiring manager and leaders] that we collectively serve in a professional advisory capacity. In so doing, my sincere hope is that we all gain a more meaningful understanding of the impact we make within the confines of the clients we serve.

In final, I would like to thank each and everyone one of you for allowing me to do what I do best. I recognize that each time we take on a project for you, that you are putting your trust in our hands. We appreciate that trust and am hopeful that this blog returns the same favor.


Steve Diedrick
Search Entrepreneur “It’s what I do – It’s in my DNA”

IMPORTANT: I look forward to your interactive conversations and responses. You can also receive e-mails when updates occur to the blog by signing up under the FeedBurner moticom, which is a very simple process or simply Bookmark the site under your favorite network. Rest assured, your information will stay confidential within the parameters that I have established which focus on high levels of security and confidentiality in respect of each and everyone of you.